Why am I putting the various leases and bankruptcy documents on the blog?

Posted: January 26, 2011 in Uncategorized

A fair question from a reader.

All of the information that has been posted is in the public domain. The bankruptcy documents came from the Utah 5th District court and the leases etc came through Grama Requests or the freedom of information Act process.

Public bodies have struggled trying to decide what information should be released and where to put it all so it is easily accessible.

My feeling is that any information that is available to a public employee should be easily available to any interested party in the public without a Grama Request. It’s our government.

Technology provides us with the tools to manage large sets of data and make them accessible on the internet. This creates transparency and increased accountability. In effect a 24 hour a day virtual city council meeting for ongoing public dialog about things that matter. It has never been tried before. Why don’t we try and see what we can learn.

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